A new blog?

Wow it has been a while since I wrote a blog post. When I was still in university I started a small blog which was a complete mishmash of different topics - everything from how to install OpenMPI on Windows, ray tracing, through to the escapades of my little Minecraft server. As with many blogs, it wasn’t long where the lack of habit relegated my blog to the wastes of abandoned websites.

In the years that followed, I have thought about reviving it a few times, but was never sure what direction I wanted it to take. When .dev domains became available, I snatched mine up with the idea to use it for various software engineering related projects - and here we are, and thank you for taking your time to stop by.

My intention with this new blog is focus it purely on software engineering. This may include the odd bit of code, but also related topics such as the engineering discipline, productivity, and mentoring. In addition to sharing both past and new experiences and ideas, I want this to be one of the places where I force myself to write more. So if you don’t see a post in a while - please head over to Twitter and shout at me :).


Productivity and improvement