“Hi, my name is Karl 👋. I am a software engineer and I enjoy sharing my experiences and the lessons that I have learnt. I am sharing some of these on this blog - check them out below. If you find them useful and you want to follow more of my ramblings, then you can follow me on Twitter

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Surviving Team Splits in Software Engineering
Karl Zoller Karl Zoller

Surviving Team Splits in Software Engineering

When an engineering team splits into multiple teams, there are usually unforeseen challenges in dividing the responsibilities or things that the original team owned. Read more to learn how to overcome these challenged.

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Don’t teach in the void
Karl Zoller Karl Zoller

Don’t teach in the void

Teaching and mentoring is a high leverage activity. Don’t let it go to waste by not writing it down and sharing it.

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Productivity and improvement
Karl Zoller Karl Zoller

Productivity and improvement

Keeping things from falling through the cracks becomes increasingly difficult the more senior you become. Find out how I tackled this particular challenge using a combination of task triaging, consolidation, and regular reviews. Take your productivity to the next level.

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